The Road to a Sustainable & Happy Recovery Life Starts Here!

Are you ready to change the direction of your life?

The strategies and tools in the books and courses below will inspire and motivate you.

Browse each one and see what works for you. It may be more than 1!

Content List:

Inspirational Books & Journals


Self-paced Courses

Self-guided Challenges


Etsy Recovery Gifts

Digital Art

Upcoming Events & Retreats

Inspirational, Motivational, Transformational Soft Cover Books

Learn techniques & strategies through these guides and journals. Which one will you start with? Available on Amazon now,

Thoughtfully designed transformational journal to support those on recovery paths from alcohol, drug, or other addictions. Included:

  • Reflect on where you are now
  • Envisioning your future
  • Self-acceptance & understanding
  • Thought-provoking journal
  • Process for positive life changes
  • Inspirational and motivational

Preparing your future by cleaning up past mistakes. Included:

  • Kind reflection of past actions
  • Identifying damaged relationships
  • Learning what is a genuine amend
  • Taking accountability & being responsible
  • Planning to make your amends
  • Acceptance of responses to amends
  • Daily Journal Pages-5 questions to make tomorrow better than today
  • Forgiving yourself

Techniques & strategies for women that help you love who you are today. Included:

  • A planner to get started on self-love habits
  • Self-love affirmations 
  • Create compassion for yourself 
  • A 30-day self-love challenge
  • How to improve your relationship with yourself
  • Writing a love letter to yourself
  • Journal pages  for self-discovery

Available on Amazon for only $8.65

Available on Amazon for only $8.79

Available on Amazon for only $9.95

The author, Sandra MacGowan, has been sober since April 2000. She is a substance use disorder expert and author, a certified recovery coach, and founder of the global Facebook group with 14,000+ followers, Women Rocking Recovery. This journal compiles her personal recovery experiences, professional training, and effective coaching strategies developed over the years. MacGowan's passion is to share her hard-won successes with women seeking to build sustainable paths to recovery and fulfilling lives.

As an Amazon Author and Associate, I may or may not receive a commission from this sale. It does not change the purchase price.

Inspirational & Motivational eBooks

Stop Suffering in Silence cover page

Stop Suffering in Silence

Helpful tips and techniques for women new to or considering entering recovery from alcohol and drug abuse.

10 Steps Cover

10 Steps for Living a Fulfilled Life in Recovery

10 steps for women in recovery from substance abuse, either their own use or someone else's, tips to balance life

Cover photo

Be the Master of Your


Build a stronger recovery by building         up yourself. Learn self-coaching with     this guide and boost your self-confidence & self-esteem.

The courses, workshops, and information below complement your recovery path, not replace it.



Merge your recovery path with your new life and start living a life you love!


Canva - Woman at Work


  • Unlock Your True Potential
  • Break Free from Limiting Beliefs
  • Transform Your Life Today

It's time to stop letting self-doubt and low self-worth hold you back. Overcoming Limited Beliefs is a transformative online course that will give you the tools to rebuild your self-confidence, and self-trust, and empower you to create a sustainable recovery and a happy life.

This interactive online course will help you discover the limiting beliefs holding you back, and how to overcome them and become the woman you were always meant to be. It begins with the Life Assessment Quiz and includes a workbook with exercises following every lesson. Once you have completed this course, you will have a recovery success plan to follow and your chance of success will increase dramatically.




A 3-month book study is based on Stephanie S. Covington's highly praised book, "A Woman's Way through The Twelve Steps". 

As an experienced facilitator, I will lead a 3-month online book study on "A Woman's Way through The Twelve Steps" by Stephanie S. Covington. Participants will read the book and do the exercises in the workbook weekly, We will engage in thoughtful, respectful group discussions during the weekly live sessions. This book study is open to all women in substance abuse recovery or interested in learning more. It is not necessary to be a member of a 12-step program to participate. A private Facebook group will be available for discussion and questions. Recordings of the sessions will be available within 24 hours for those unable to attend the live meetings. study will offer recordings for those unable to participate in the live meetings

Joining this study group will connect you with like-minded women, fostering lifelong friendships. The book study will facilitate honest self-reflection, guiding you to develop a strategic recovery plan that will lead you to achieve your goals.

The number of participants is limited. Please sign up below and you will be notified of availability and date.

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Generational women